This notice is to advise all Joyent Public Cloud (JPC) and SmartDataCenter (SDC) customers of the recently-identified bash security vulnerability CVE-2014-6271 ( and the follow-on CVE-2014-7169 (, collectively known as Shellshock.
Note that CVE-2014-7169 has arisen due to incomplete fixes created for the CVE-2014-6271 vulnerability. (These fixes are created by the upstream maintainers of bash, not by Joyent.)
AT THIS TIME, JOYENT has patched the platform bash addressing CVE-2014-6271 as well as CVE-2014-7169 in the Joyent Public Cloud.
We are posting this information as a follow up to prior notices on the Heartbleed bug to ensure customers have reviewed the suggested steps to identify and remediate any vulnerabilities.
Heartbleed is a security vulnerability in the OpenSSL encryption software, which is used by a large portion of the secured websites/systems on the Internet, and may also be used by you in your web sites, and/or applications hosted on the Joyent Cloud platform.
UPDATE as of 8:09am PDT (15:09 UTC) on 21-June-2014 - New fixed OpenSSL package now available in 2013Q2 repository
UPDATE as of 8:30am PDT (15:30 UTC) on 20-June-2014 - See section below regarding 2013Q2 repository
RESOLVED - UPDATE as of 11:30am PDT (18:30 UTC) on 09-June-2014
This notice is to advise Joyent Public Cloud (JPC) and SmartDataCenter (SDC) customers of the recently-identified Open SSL security issue CVE-2014-0224 (
SmartOS users If you use the images with their original pkgsrc repositories as intended, check which package repository your image uses by looking at /opt/local/etc/pkgin/repositories.
This notice is to advise Joyent Public Cloud and Smart Data Center customers of the recently identified Open SSL security issue openssl CVE-2014-0160 ( and
SmartOS users If you use the images with their original pkgsrc repositories as intended, check which package repository your image uses by looking at /opt/local/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf. If your repository is any of the following, and you have installed the openssl package using pkgin, you are vulnerable: